Scientific Advancement for Sendai Framework on DRR

Scientific Advancement for Sendai Framework on DRR - contribution from Tohoku University

2017.10.2[Mon] - 10.6[Fri]

- Access -

日仏会館 - Maison franco-japonaise -


〒150-0013 東京都渋谷区恵比寿3-9-25
3-9-25 Ebisu, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo 150-0013


フランス大使館 - La France au Japon -


〒106-8514 東京都港区南麻布4-11-44
4-11-44 Minami-Azabu, Minato-ku, Tokyo 106-8514


- IRIDeS - International Research Institute of Disaster Science -


〒980-0845 仙台市青葉区荒巻字青葉468-1
468-1 Aramaki Aza-Aoba, Aoba-ku, Sendai 980-0845


Train Information for the trip from Tokyo to Sendai:

  • From Tokyo Station to IRIDeS on October 5th 
      Recommended trains :
    • If you want to attend the workshop: Tokyo Station (13:20) -> Sendai (14:52)
    • If you are invited to the reception: Tokyo Station (16:20) -> Sendai (17:52)

    Then, from Sendai Station to IRIDeS, take the subway Tozai line to Aobayama Station (10min, 250 yens)

  • From Tokyo Station to Sendai on October 6th in the morning 
      Recommended train :
    • If you are invited to the field trip: Tokyo Station (07:16) -> Sendai (08:57) (bus leaves Sendai Station at 09:00)

Train Information for the trip from Sendai to Tokyo Station on October 6th in the evening 

    Recommended train :
  • Sendai Station (17:30) -> Tokyo Station (19:04) or Ueno (18:59)

Tickets can be purchased from the green booths at Ebisu Station, West Gate (JR side), and can be used to travel to Tokyo Station with the Yamanote Line, or reserved online on the JR East website. For people from abroad, please find hereafter (in French only) some practical information (airport connection, rail passes, etc.):